CSS Desktop

Our core product, Civic Site Service (CSS), is the best, most complete tool for managing elevator service in New York City & beyond.

A full-featured ERP based on the powerful Microsoft Dynamics platform, CSS allows you to send invoices, maintain contracts, create proposals, calculate work in progress, dispatch service tickets, manage labor in the field– everything an elevator service operation needs.

  • Built on the rock-solid accounting backbone of Microsoft GP 2020
  • Dozens of custom modules built just for the elevator industry
  • Flexible reporting with direct access to the core database for extracting and working with your data
  • Access to consulting services of some of the best technical minds in the industry

Contact us to set up a demo and see the dozens of custom features purpose-built for the elevator service industry.

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Civic Site Service modules built in to GP 2020 accounting platform.

Here’s a quick look at a few key features:

The Route Analyzer lets you manage profits and margins everywhere.

  • Dispatch hours to review the hourly costs associated with each visit
  • Materials assignments to ensure all materials are assigned to the correct account or job
  • Billable tickets to help supervisors close tickets and determine billability
  • Review unposted service invoices to check for more revenue
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The Route Analyzer is a powerful utility for managing costs and driving revenue.

The Auto Invoicing feature makes repair invoices easy to review and send as fast as possible

Elevator repairs are complex operations. Auto Invoicing puts the power to create, review, and send batches of invoices automatically.

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WIP reports: moment-by-moment view of mod costs

Get a detailed status of every modernization job– budgets, change orders, materials, labor, revenue, margins– all the data you need to invoice properly and manage your teams.

Fine-grained user security: limit views to your accounting by role

CSS allows you to assign roles to each user that gives the the right to view or update specific database tables.

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Sample security report

Auto-alerts: get notified on missed buildings, excessive callbacks, credit holds, and sales leads from the field

Discover issues before they get to your bottom line.

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